Volume 3, Number 14, January 25, 2006

Odds n' Ends

Pages 1, 2

Wavy Gravy
Fans of this site have doubtless seen some of the interesting candid photos the LPGA took of the Seoul Sisters early in 2005. These photos are distinguished by the unusual backgrounds in many of them (way weird patterns or hedges).

Anyway, here are some more photos from these sessions that I have not previously presented on this site. Enjoy!

Hana Kim

Hana Kim
Aree Song
Christina Kim
Gloria Park Jeong Jang
Hee-Won Han Se Ri Pak
Here are a few more nice photos of Se Ri (click to enlarge!)
Here are a couple of Soo-Yun Kang at the 2005 Safeway International
Grace Park w/ Alice Cooper at the
2005 Nabisco. How cool is that?
Bo Bae Song, 2005 Samsung Masters

Lastly, here is a collection of cartoons I've collected. Most are Se Ri, but we have one that looks an awful lot like another Seoul Sister named Grace...
