Volume 3, Number 8, August 17, 2005

Jeong Jang's Homecoming

Pages 1, 2, 3, 4
Jeong Jang had a lot in store for her when she returned to her hometown of Daejeon. Perhaps the highlight of her trip came when she stopped by her old high school to meet some students. She was greeted by a capacity crowd that was positively ecstatic to see her. She gave a little pep talk, and when she went to greet the kids in the audience, they treated her like a pop star, squealing with delight and busily snapping her photo.
Here you can see the banner they put outside JJ's high school, celebrating her achievement. It reads in part:
"LPGA British Open Major Queen
Super Ultra Peanut Jang Jeong (23rd Graduating class)
Yoo Song Girls High School"
JJ meets and greets the kids, posing for some photos with them. Check out how excited they are.
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